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Difference between ring stem and non ring stem gate valve

Apr 11,2018 Posted by Bundor

Industry News

In terms of the transmission method, the ring stem gate valve is a hand wheel to drive the nut to rotate in place, and the valve stem linearly moves to complete the switch.The Non ring stem gate valve is a hand wheel that drives the valve stem to rotate. The gate has a thread (which is a nut) that moves up and down to complete the switch.

First, the structure of the Non ring stem gate valve: The stem nut is in the valve body and is in direct contact with the medium. When opening and closing the gate, use a rotary valve stem.
Ring stem and non ring stem gate valve

Second,the structure of ring stem gate valve:stem nut on the valve cover or bracket, open and close the gate, using the rotary valve stem nut to achieve the lifting of the stem. The difference between open and closed gate valves:

  1. The ring stem gate valve can see the screw, while the non ring stem can not see the screw;

  2. The ring stem gate valve is raised or lowered by the thread transmission of the stem and the steering wheel;The Non ring gate valve is connected with the stem when the switch is on. It is driven by the stem at the fixed point to lift the disc upward and to complete the opening and closing.

  3. The transmission thread of the non ring stem gate valve is located inside the valve body. In the process of opening and closing, the valve rod only performs rotary motion, the gate plate moves up and down in the valve body; the stem of ring stem valve valve drives the gate plate to lift together, and the valve stem The transmission thread is on the outside of the valve body, and the opening and closing position of the gate can be judged intuitively according to the direction and position of the valve stem.

  4. The height of the non ring stem gate valve is small;The ring stem gate valve requires a large installation space;

  5. The structure of the ring stem gate valve is beneficial to the lubrication of the stem, and the degree of opening and closing is obvious. The stem thread of the ring stem gate valve not only cannot be lubricated, but also directly receives media erosion and is easily damaged. Therefore, the ring stem gate valve is more widely used.

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